EdEd Text Processor Documentation This on-line documentation may be read by using the [PgDn] [PgUp] keys to manually page through the text. You may also search the text for specific phrases. To search, press [^S] (hold [Ctrl] down while pressing [S]), then type the phrase to find. As an example, to go to the area covering function keys, press [^S], then type "FUNCT", then press [ent] (the "enter" key). Note that major headings can be found by using capital letters in the phrase to find. INTRODUCTION EdEd is a fully featured, fast, easy-to-use text processor. Its flexibility and extensive cursor movement facilities make it ideal for program editing, while its automatic word wrap and instant screen updating make it ideal for general word processing. EdEd's FEATURES include : - Multiple windows - Transfer from other files and windows - Copy, Move and Delete by block or word - Auto-indent and word wrap - Auto-Align for Continual screen updates - Un-Delete to recover deleted text - Extensive cursor control - Search and Replace - Go to specific lines and pages - Generates standard MS-DOS text files One of the most important features of EdEd is that it's easy to learn, which also means it's easy to use. For ease of use, EdEd may be used as a "modeless" editor - character insert and delete functions are always available, so special modes need not be used to perform those basic functions. Various editing modes are available, however, to provide the choice between inserting or exchanging (overstrike) text as typed, and to provide other modes for extensive text deletion and transferring. The special fu nction keys on the IBM PC keyboard are used so most functions don't require complex control-character sequences. And since the screen is always displaying the current, properly aligned text, no format command is necessary. The result is a true "what yo u see is what you get" editor. OPERATION The following outlines the operation of EdEd. Keys to press are shown in brakets "[]". The caret "^" preceeding a key means to hold the control key down while pressing the indicated key. For example, [^PgUp] means hold the control key down, then hit [P gUp]. CURSOR MOVEMENT Cursor movement makes use of the special keys on the PC's keyboard (for example, [PgUp] key displays the previous page). Most special keys may be used with the control key for extended cursor movement in the direction specified (for example, [^PgUp] goe s farther than the previous page - it goes all the way to the beginning of the text). Here are the cursor control keys : Basic Cursor Movement- [left][right] move one character [up][down] move one line [Home] begining of line [End] end of line [PgUp] previous page [PgDn] next page [tab] next (or prior) tab stop Extended Cursor Movement- [^left][^right] move one word [^Home] beginning of page [^End] end of page [^PgUp] begining of text [^PgDn] end of text SIMPLE EDITING Editing text includes INSERT and DELETE to change the words. EdEd provides for simple character inserts by using the [Ins] key to put spaces in front of the cursor (where your insertion will go). Similarly, [Del] is used to delete the character under th e cursor. To delete an entire line at once, use [^L]. If the cursor is at the left margin, the "return" at the end of the line is deleted along with the entire line; otherwise text is deleted from the cursor up to the "return". RECOVER DELETED TEXT If text is erroneously deleted, it may be recovered with [^U] (Un-Delete). Make sure the cursor is at the position where the text was deleted, then press [^U] to recall one character at a time. OPERATING MODES The editing environment may be controlled by selecting different operating modes. Some mode are available simply by pressing a function key. All modes are available by pressing [esc], then pressing the key corresponding to a modes. [esc][X] EXCHANGE or [F5] typed characters replace the existing text [esc][I] INSERT or [F5] typed characters are inserted at the cursor [esc][D] DELETE or [F6] to delete words, sentences, paragraphs, etc [esc][C] COPY or [F7] to copy text from one location to another [esc][M] MOVE or [F8] to move text from one location to another [esc][W] WINDOW or [F1,F2,F3] go to another window or change window [esc][S] STORAGE or [F10] move files to/from disk, print files, clear [esc][P] PRINT to print the active file [esc][E] PRINT to set environment (margins, color, etc) [esc][T] TAB to set tab stops [esc][Q] QUIT to leave EdEd Notice that [F5] will switch between, or "toggle", Insert/Exchange modes. DELETE, COPY & MOVE MODES Delete, Copy and Move modes permit acting on words, lines, sentences, paragraphs and specified blocks of text. The keys grouped under Delimiter (below) indicate the amount of text on which the delete, copy or move will act. You can also act on specific blocks of text by Marking them. The various other options for these modes are also indicated: Delimiters- [ ] word (act from cursor to next space) [.][?][!] sentence (act from cursor to period, etc.) [;] act from cursor to semi-colon [)] act from cursor to parenthesis [}] act from cursor to closing brace [ent] paragrph/line (act from cursor to return) [L] Line (act on line as displayed on screen) [P] Page (act on page as displayed on screen) Mark specific block of text- [M] Mark (mark beginning for later Save/Delete) [S] Save (act from Mark -copy & move mode only) Copy File- [F] Copy entire file (copy mode only) DELETE MODE deletes the block of text starting at the cursor, up to and including the delimiter (see delimiters, above). You may also delete a specific block of text. To do so, move the cursor to the point at which to start the deletion, then press [F6] to enter Delete mode, then move the cursor to just after the last character to be deleted and press [D]. [M]Mark may also be used to mark a new start when in delete mode. COPY and MOVE MODE save a copy of the text from where the cursor is up to and including the delimiter (see delimiters, above). You may also copy or move a specific block of text. To do so, move the cursor to just after the last charater to be copied or moved, then press [S] to save a copy of that block of text. Once the text has been specified by pressing a delimiter key or Marking & Saving, move the cursor to the location at which to insert the text and press [F9] (use [F9] to recall text for both cop y and move). [M]Mark may also be used to mark a new start when in copy or move mode. Finally, [A]All clears the entire text buffer. Note that the difference between move and copy is that copy does not disturb the original text, while move deletes the original text. Copy and move may be used on text within a window and also between windows. For instance, you may copy boilerplate text from a second window into the first window to quickly create customized documents from pieces of existing text. Copy has one additional feature - the entire contents of a disk file may be copied. Simply press [F] for File when in copy mode; you will be asked to enter the name of the file to copy, and it will be inserted into the active document at the current cursor position. WINDOW MODE allows you to create another area on the screen to view text. On entering Window mode, the folling options are available: [1] [2] [3] Go to specified window [C] Change window size and color (1-15) [D] Delete window If you go to a window which had been used before, that window is activated; otherwise a new window is created. You may specify window size and text color - press [ent] to accept the old (default) value shown, or type in the new value (the meaning of eac h value is detailed in the printed documentation). The function keys [F1][F2][F3] may also be used as a quicker way to switch to windows 1, 2 and 3, respectively. STORAGE MODE The following options are available in storage mode: [G] Get - read a disk file to the active window [W] Write - write the active file to disk [U] Update - overwrite an existing disk file [D] Delete - delete a file [R] Rename - rename a file [:] change current disk [.][\][C] change current directory Where disk files are involved, EdEd promts for the name of the disk file. Press [ent] to enter the old (default) file name as shown, or type the desired file name and press [ent]. You may use paths when specifying the file name. SPECIAL OPERATIONS [^A] ALIGN LINES Lines may be shifted with the left and right arrow keys. The up and down arrow keys indicate other lines to shift similarly. If [R] relative align (the default), the other lines are shifted an amount equal to the shift of the original line; if [A] absol ute align, the other lines are aligned vertically with the original line. [^C] CASE CHANGE The case of the character at the cursor is changed. If it's lower case, it's changed to upper; if it's upper, it's changed to lower. [^G] GOTO Go-to jumps to a specified section of the text. Type the number of the object you want to go to, then: [ ] to go to indicated word [.] to go to indicated sentence [ent] to go to indicated para/line (to a return) [L] to go to indicated Line (as displayed) [P] to go to indicated Page (as displayed) [^Q] HELP & DOCS (Documetation) Two special aids are available to help you learn and use EdEd (in addition to the prompt line appearing a the top of the active window). The help "toggle" (or "change") is [^Q] - it will display three lines of help menus on the top of the screen if they are not already displayed (if already displayed, it will erase them). For more extensive help, pressing [F4] will activate this documentation in window 3 (created in the lower right corner) provided this file, "EDEDDOCS.TXT", is at the current path on th e current directory. [^S] SEARCH,FIND You can search for a specified phrase (character string). After [^S], enter the phrase to find, then [ent]. Subsequent [^S] commands will show the last phrase as the default, so to find the next occurance of a phrase, press [^S], then [ent]. Use [altS] for Search with certain options, such as ignore case and global choices. [^R] REPLACE Replace first finds a phrase as in Search, then gives you the option to replace the entire phrase with another phrase. As with search, first enter the phrase to find (then [ent]), then enter the replacement phrase (then [ent]). Then [Y]es replaces it an d leaves replace mode; [M]ore replaces it and finds the next occurance; [N]o does not replace it and leaves replace mode; [C]ont does not replace it but finds the next occurance. Use [altR] for Replace with certain options, such as ignore case. [^T] TRANSPOSE The position of the next two characters is interchanged. FUNCTION KEYS [F1] Window 1 [F2] Window 2 [F3] Window 3 [F4] Documentation [F5] toggle Ins/Ex mode [F6] Delete mode [F7] Copy mode [F8] Move mode [F9] recall text [F10] Storage mode --Copyright (c) 1985 E.C.Gillott-- ========================================================== | Downloaded for CompuServe and uploaded to PCanada by: | | David Turcotte PC1202 | ==========================================================